The beach of Nusa Penida

The beach of Nusa Penida

The beach of Nusa Penida

Currently I often get questions from readers of the site, which is like a vacation to the beach in Bali, about the names and locations rarely visited beaches in Bali, but it must have natural beauty Kutuh Pandavas coast of Bali, with clean white sand and empty.
To answer the questions visitors to the site, I wrote about a list of beautiful hidden beach on the island of Bali.
Of all the beautiful beaches list is hidden in Bali that I wrote, all the beaches in Bali is located in the area of ​​tourist attractions in southern Bali and area attractions in eastern Bali.
Hidden beaches in South Bali.
Pantai Indah Hidden In East Bali.
After writing the article above, and then came the idea out of my mind to write alternative tourist destinations in Bali, on a beautiful beach hidden in Klungkung regency my birthplace.

Special on this page, I will write about the white sand beach, which has beautiful scenery and rarely visited on the island of Nusa Penida as an alternative tourist destination in Bali.
Turkish Nusa Penida - Lovely & Rarely Visited
For those seeking an alternative holiday to Bali tourist spots and you have an adventurous spirit and love tourist beach resorts on the island of Bali which has beautiful views, as well as the location of the beach rarely people know, so it's good for a vacation to the beach in Nusa Penida Bali.

List of Nusa Penida Island Temple :

1. Turkish atuh
Turkish atuh

One of the coast's most famous Nusa Penida diatara all beaches in Nusa Penida is atuh Beach. For now atuh Beach still entered in the category of beach rarely visited in Bali. Whereas atuh beach on the island of Nusa Penida Bali, has the characteristics of a beautiful beach with a unique, different from the beaches on the island to another.

On the beach there are three coastal atuh white sand beaches separate high cliffs on each side of the beach. Each coastal area has white sand mixed with small rocks.

The sea water is very clear, if you like snorkeling, beautiful coral reefs that are still beautiful to be visible from the surface of the sea. If on the other beach locations in Bali, when the reader sit on the sand beach, you will see the open sea waters, but if the reader sit on the sand beach of Nusa Penida atuh, in addition to seeing the sights seas, small islands will also be visible.

Cause atuh coast of Nusa Penida rarely visited by domestic tourists, because the location is very hidden beaches, away from residential location local residents, and need extra effort to get to the beach location atuh Nusa Penida.

Readers interested in a vacation to the beach atuh Nusa Penida, then prepare your stamina! Due to reach the shore, the reader must pass through limestone and rocks with a distance of 2 kilometers from the village of Banjar climbers who were Pejukutan, the island of Nusa Penida.

2. Pasih UUG
Pasih UUG

One beach of Nusa Penida in Klungkung regency of Bali, which is popular among young travelers are pasih mentioning sites Nusa Penida.

Name Pasih mentioning if interpreted to Indonesian, Pasih means beach, while mentioning that means broken, so it can be interpreted damaged beaches. Pasih mentioning among foreign tourists known as broken beach of Nusa Penida.

Tourist attractions Pasih mentioning is a beach dikellilingi by high cliffs, very similar to the cliffs in the attraction of Bali Uluwatu temple.

When viewed from above, if the visitor has a drone, it would look like sea water pools surrounded by high cliffs. The sea water can get into the area surrounded by cliffs, due to a hole in one wall of cliffs and resemble such a bridge.

Because of the holes in the walls of coral, some people also called beach pasih Bali Nusa Penida mentioning the name Batu Bolong Beach / Coast Karang Bolong. Bolong is a Balinese language means holes.

The location of sites mentioning Pasih Nusa Penida in Banjar district Sumpang, entrance area Bunga Mekar village, District of Nusa Penida. Precisely in the southwest of the island of Nusa Penida.

3. Pasih Andus
Pasih Andus

Pasih Andus Nusa Penida location adjacent to the location of the beach and attractions pasih mentioning Angel's Billabong, just a few meters away and can be reached by foot, approximately 15 minutes.

If translated into Indonesian, pasih means beach while andus means to smoke, so the beach smoke dong!

Not the smoke coming out, but a splash of seawater towering ocean waves as a result of the blow south, hit the wall of cliffs jutting into the sea.

If you've ever traveled to attraction waterblow Nusa Dua Bali, then like these waves towering water gradually, even higher than the waves waterblow Nusa Dua Bali.

Most tourists who visit locations Pasih Andus Nusa Penida are young travelers, they will wait for the moment the towering waves while taking photos selfie. Pounding waves towering every minute does not happen, so be patient to wait.

From pasih Andus, if the reader facing the northwest, will be able to see the island of Nusa Ceningan.

4. Angel's Billabong
Angel's Billabong

Angel's Billabong for me is the pearl of Nusa Penida, very unique and very rare attractions such as Angel's Billabong Nusa Penida elsewhere.

The uniqueness of Angel's Billabong Nusa Penida, it is worth it to me in the category of unique attractions in Bali. So if readers plan to vacation to travel wrought Nusa Penida, do not miss to visit Angel's Billabong.

Angel's Billabong on the island of Nusa Penida Bali is an estuary of the river adjacent to the sea, only the river mouth is clogged, making up a pool of stagnant water.

Swimming Angel's Billabong flanked by two cliffs and the water is very clear which makes you able to see the bottom of the pool.

The mood for a vacation to Angel's Billabong Nusa Penida? If yes! Readers will want to know how to Angel's Billabong.

5. Crystal Bay Beach
Crystal Bay Beach

Crystal Bay beach one beach of Nusa Penida is a lot of visits from tourists, especially foreign tourists who are fond of maritime tourism activities especially snorkeling.

The original name of Crystal Bay beach is a beach Penida. Crystal Bay is the name given by foreign tourists, because the beach Penida sea water is very clear and sparkles like a crystal.

The best time to visit the beaches of Crystal Bay, especially around sunset. The location of Crystal Bay Beach in the area of ​​banjar Penida, Village Way, Nusa Penida.
