4 Celebrity Bali, Truly Enchanting Beauty

4 Celebrity Bali, Truly Enchanting Beauty

Just like some other Indonesian celebrities, They are not only beautiful but also has a talent that is laudable. Anyone curious about the original artist Indonesia Bali?

1. Kadek Devi

4 Celebrity Bali, Truly Enchanting Beauty

The name is already quite classy Kadek Devi in ​​the entertainment world Air. Not just a movie star but Devi is also known as the queen of FTV. During his career of more than 50 titles already FTV which he starred. Kadek Devi also has a beautiful face that represents the elegance of the girls Bali.

Devi was born on 7 November 1985, was born of parents originating from Bali. Armed with talent in the modeling world, she began a career in the entertainment world in 2003. At that time Devi participating in the election cover girl. Now the owner's full name Ida Ayu Kadek Devie was married to a cop.

2. Luna Maya

4 Celebrity Bali, Truly Enchanting Beauty

There's no denying the beauty about Luna Maya. Not only his face is pretty, but the achievements and works well as a model, a movie star until the singer is equally beautiful and proud. He was born in New York City, August 26, 1983 ago. Not only successful as an artist, at the age of 32 years currently stepping, Luna was also successful as an entrepreneur.

Just like most of the artists who began his career as a model serorang. Luna was originally also a model that is so expertly walking on the catwalk. Debut as a supporting actor in the film 30 Days Looking for Love made his name so famous. After that, he had a lot to get an offer to play movies and no longer as a supporting actor, but as a main character.

3. Ines Putri

4 Celebrity Bali, Truly Enchanting Beauty

Ines Putri is the winner of Miss Indonesia in 2012. She also came from Bali and initially he was not a career in the field of entertainers, but a golf professional athlete. Lots of achievements he had torehkan. Starting from PON won gold in 2004, to win the golf tournament Governor of Bali.

In 2012 he won the crown of Miss Indonesia. It makes it so the opportunity to pitch to the Miss World 2012. Ines walked away with the title of top 15 runer up to 3rd in the category of Beauty with a Purpose. Due to the achievements and talents he had, Ines was awarded a scholarship from the university even Georgia.

4. Ni Made Ayu Vania Aurellia

4 Celebrity Bali, Truly Enchanting Beauty

If you are a fan JKT48, would agree with the notion if all members JKT48 were beautiful and adorable. Including one of which is Ni Made Ayu Vania Aurellia or more familiarly called Aurel.

In addition to a career with JKT48, Aurel also play a role in the film The Dancer. The girl who was born on August 8, 1999 is also a frequent magazine model and appear as commercials.
